Cat Lovers Melbourne

Oz-Pet attended the Cat Lovers show in Melbourne in September 2018, one of Oz-Pet’s Sales Reps, Anna Jenkin from Victorian and myself, talked and demonstrated our products to potential customers non-stop for 2 days, speaking about the wonderful attributes of Oz-Pet odourfree litter.

An amazing 20,000 people came through the doors of this new event held in Melbourne, there were times neither Anna nor myself could see the other side of the walkways due to the enormous crowds. See the following photos that show the huge crowds.

Anna and I gave out over 700 x 1.5kg Oz-Pet Samples and over 550 x 1.5kg Oz-Pet Crumble Samples, which kept us very busy.

There was a constant stream of people looking for new products for their cats/kittens and they had a wide range of products to look at, there were new style back packs for carrying around your cat so they could be taken on walks, there were many different styles of cat toys, cat beds, cat food and of course litter.

During the 2 days there were many talks given by professional experts, one I heard was by Kelly Gill, and that was all cats can be trained but it takes persistence, and it may take many weeks to train your cat.

Dr Harry Cooper was another popular presenter, and he spoke at length about how to solve some of the health problems that cats can have and also what type of cat that you should look for that would suit your lifestyle and home.

There was an area where there were over 30 different cats on display, there were Ragdolls, Hairless Sphinxes and Bengals, just to name a few, that people lined up for hours just so they could get up close to them, and some of them even got to pat the cats.

There were over 30 animal rescue groups from across Victoria, who were able to speak to many people who were looking at adopting a cat. There was a talk given by Alex Hecker on tips for adopting cats and responsible cat ownership.

The Cat Lovers Show in Melbourne will be on 30th November to 1st December 2019, and Oz-Pet will have a stand to continue to showcase the premium performance of their litters.

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