Why our Breeders love Oz-Pet

The following breeders use and recommend Oz-Pet



Ravera Ragdolls has been using Oz-Pet for over 9 years now and have consistently
recommended this high quality litter as it is a very natural and hygenic product.
We recommend it to all our families who adopt our kittens as we only want the best for our
precious Ragdolls.

Website: www.raveraragdolls.com
Email: vera@raveraragdolls.com
Mobile: 0407 859 691
Vera Rays





Leewood Burmese Cats is a specialist breeder of Burmese Show Cats, with a
reputation for excellence and success.

Our cats and kittens all use Oz-Pet, as it is clean, easy to use, very cost effective
and environmentally friendly. Our kitten buyers all take home a sample of Oz-Pet
and this continues the good toileting habits they learn with Oz-Pet at our home.

We wouldn’t use anything else for our beautiful cats.

Michelle Hinder
Website: www.leewoodburmese.webs.com
Email: leewoodburmese@y7mail.com





Craigdolls Ragdoll Cats has been breeding Beautiful Ragdolls for 10 years.

My cat litter of choice is Oz-Pet Odour free cat litter. Oz-Pet is easy to use in
the 3 tray litter system and has less tracking and maintenance compared to
other litters I have tried. Ragdolls are an indoor cat and having a litter tray
inside our home is made simple knowing there is a litter tray you can trust
with no smell.

Craigdolls gives every new owner an Oz-Pet sample and voucher to get them
started with their new Kitten on the Oz-Pet litter tray system, knowing they will
be as happy as we are and their cats will be too.

Rhonda Edwards
Website: www.craigdolls.com
Email: Craigdolls@outlook.com
Phone: 02 4782 6476



Home raised kittens, excellent temperaments for show, breeding and pets.
I use Oz-Pet for my cats and kittens and i love it! I have no baby kittens eating the litter.
I have a pet poo composter in my garden with greedy worms that turn my litter and poo
into glorious compost.

My Oz-Pet is delivered to my door by a friendly guy every month.
No smelly home and happy fur babies at Malu Cattery, we recommend Oz-Pet.

Website: www.catmalu.com
Email: mandlroper@bigpond.com
Phone: 07 55207214
Lynda and Mark Roper
Registered breeders Q.F.A 851 GCCC.7552389